
 2021-04-28 11:04

摘 要




A research on the catalytic properties of titanium-based materials at room temperature by regulating the surface of the material


In recent years, the problem of formaldehyde pollution is receiving more and more attention. The long-term exposure of human body to air containing formaldehyde can cause headache and respiratory diseases, and even induce cancer. The main source of formaldehyde is various materials used in interior decoration. Indoor formaldehyde pollution often has the characteristics of long-term influence and great harm. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop long-acting formaldehyde purification technology. Based on these characteristics, catalytic oxidation technology has a good application prospect, and the technology has the ability to decompose formaldehyde into CO2 and H2O at room temperature. However, the active component of the catalyst is precious metal, and the high cost affects the application of the catalyst. Therefore, designing and developing a noble metal catalyst with better reaction performance to reduce the cost is the key to the development of such a catalyst.

In response to this problem, the academic community has proposed a variety of precious metal catalytic decomposition of formaldehyde performance improvement strategies, including precious metal catalyst types, additives selection, carrier structure, etc., have achieved certain results. In these work, the titanium-based material as a catalyst for the catalyst exhibits an excellent effect because the interaction between Ti and the noble metal active component tends to exhibit better reactivity. In this paper, we focus on the reactivity of catalysts with different crystalline TiO2 materials as supports, study the reaction process of different crystal supported catalysts, explore the structure-activity relationship, and propose a way to regulate the catalytic oxidation activity of formaldehyde.

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1 研究的背景及意义 - 1 -

1.2 除甲醛催化剂及反应机理 - 2 -

1.2.1过渡金属氧化物催化剂 - 2 -

1.2.2贵金属催化剂 - 3 -

1.2.3甲醛催化氧化的反应机理 - 3 -

1.3 甲醛氧化的强化方式 - 6 -

1.3.1 调控活性中心 - 6 -

1.3.2 调控载体 - 7 -

1.3.3 金属-载体相互作用 - 8 -

1.3.4 引入助剂 - 8 -

1.4 TiO2的自然晶型及结构特点 - 11 -

1.5 本文的研究思路 - 11 -

2 TiO2不同晶型甲醛室温催化氧化性能的研究 - 12 -

2.1 引言 - 12 -

2.2 实验材料和仪器 - 12 -

2.2.1 实验材料 - 12 -

2.2.2 实验仪器及设备 - 12 -

2.3 实验部分 - 13 -

2.3.1 实验步骤 - 13 -

2.3.2 样品表征 - 13 -

2.4 调控不同晶型对甲醛反应的影响 - 14 -

2.4.1 性能分析 - 14 -

2.4.2 结构分析 - 15 -

2.4.3 分析与讨论 - 18 -

2.5 本章小结 - 20 -

结论 - 20 -

致谢 - 20 -

参考文献 - 21 -


    1. 研究的背景及意义

近年来,随着我国城市化进程不断加快,室内甲醛污染问题已经越来越引起广泛关注,特别是因为一些社会热点问题,人们对于因自住房和租住房装修带来的甲醛污染问题越忧心。2004年,世界癌症研究组织(IRAC)将甲醛列为一级致癌物质。在1995年IRAC的研究报告中就证明了甲醛会导致大鼠和小鼠的鼻腔肿瘤,对其粘膜和呼吸道以及皮肤产生刺激[1]。另外,甲醛也是白血病的一个重要诱因[2]。室内甲醛的主要来源是装修建筑材料如人造板及其他消费品,并且这个释放过程持续而缓慢,通常可以连续释放15年[3]。世界卫生组织(WHO)在2010年制定了室内甲醛不得高于0.1mg/m3的标准[4],依照WHO提供的参照,中国对于室内甲醛有更严格的标准,我国颁布的《室内空气质量标准》(GB/T18883-2002)规定室内空气中甲醛卫生标准(最髙允许浓度)为0.08 mg/m3,在室温下约为0.06 mg/m3。然而,据调查,我国大多数城市近半数新装修的家庭、办公室、室内公共场所中空气甲醛的含量都超过了标准十几倍甚至几十倍,尤其对于长期呆在家中的老人和小孩,甲醛带来的危害更大。因此,寻找一种合适的去除甲醛技术具有重大意义。


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