
 2023-02-15 02:02


摘 要



Monitoring and evaluation of pollutants in aramid fiber enterprises


In recent years, along with our country chemical industry enterprise unceasing development, causes the environment pollution to be more and more serious. The environmental protection acceptance of construction projects is an important part of environmental protection, which plays a vital role in pollution control and prevention of production enterprises. The main pollution caused by industry includes water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution. As there are many elements involved in monitoring and environmental monitoring methods are diversified, monitoring time and monitoring space are subject to certain dynamic changes and limitations. Therefore, pollutants monitored also show complex changes. Only through continuous monitoring can more accurate monitoring data be obtained.In this paper, according to the relevant laws and regulations of environmental protection acceptance of chemical enterprises, and taking a chemical auxiliary agent production enterprise in Nanjing chemical industry park as an example, the monitoring scheme of waste water, waste gas, noise and solid waste has been developed, and it is concluded that the project has basically met the requirements of environmental protection acceptance.

Keywords: chemical acceptance,Monitoringcharacteristics,Monitoring content


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 发展现状及存在的问题 1

1.2.1监测规范性不强 1

1.2.2监测技术落后 1

1.3竣工环保验收监测工作的改善策略 1

1.3.1建立完善的技术管理体系 1

1.3.2建立培训机制 1

1.3.3提高我国监测设备的技术含量 1

1.4研究内容 2

第二章 建设项目工程概况 3

2.1建设内容及规模 3

2.2生产工艺流程介绍 3

2.2.1复合塑料助剂生产工艺 3

2.2.2化工炼油助剂生产工艺 4

2.2.3稳定性二氧化氯溶液生产工艺 5

2.3主要污染环节 6

2.3.1废水 6

2.3.2废气 7

2.3.3噪声 7

2.3.4固废 7

2.4 主要污染源、污染物处理和排放流程 8

第三章 制定项目验收监测方案 10

3.1验收监测方案及排放标准值 10

3.2质量保证与质量控制 11

第四章 监测过程及结果 13

4.1现场监测过程 13

4.1.1准备工作 13

4.1.2现场采样 13

4.1.3采样后检查 13

4.1.4保存、运输样品 13

4.1.5交接样品和仪器入库 13

4.2废水监测结果与评价 14

4.3有组织废气监测结果与评价 15

4.4无组织废气监测结果及评价 16

4.5噪声监测结果及评价 18

4.6验收监测结论 19

4.7验收监测建议 19

第五章总结与展望 20

5.1总结 20

5.2展望 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

第一章 引 言



1.2 发展现状及存在的问题




